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File List  |  1995-12-15  |  47.0 KB  |  663 lines

  1. 2COOL2A.ZIP    271366  09-22-95  Too Cool Tool Cube - is a program launcher
  2.                                | with multiple faces like a cube. This allows
  3.                                | you to organize your favorite programs into
  4.                                | logical work groups. Buttons are provided to
  5.                                | easily rotate the cube to access the desired
  6.                                | tool group. Other features include exit and
  7.                                | restart buttons, a popup run dialog and more.
  8.                                | Requires VBRUN300. Description Copyright 1995
  9.                                | PsL
  10.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-24-95)
  11. ACROANT3.ZIP    40075  10-30-95  Acronymophobia Antidote 3 - is a Windows Help
  12.                                | file with a list of over 1400 acronyms
  13.                                | dealing with compters. Description Copyright
  14.                                | 1995 PsL
  15.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-03-95)
  16. ADDAPP.ZIP      39297  10-09-95  Add Applications to Program Manager V3.1 for
  17.                                | Microsoft Win32: Windows 3.1 with Win32s,
  18.                                | Windows NT 3.5 and Windows 95 Beta 2.
  19.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-08-95)
  20. ALARM222.ZIP   163633  10-05-95  Alarm - is an advanced desktop reminder
  21.                                | system. Alarms can be set for a specific
  22.                                | date, for specific days of the week, and for
  23.                                | certain repetition intervals. An adjustable
  24.                                | snooze bar is provided for each message.
  25.                                | Messages can have up to six lines of
  26.                                | free-form text. [WINDOWS] Description
  27.                                | Copyright 1995 PsL
  28.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-07-95)
  29. APL2W112.ZIP    84587  10-07-95  Apple II Emulator for Windows - emulates the
  30.                                | Apple II environment in Windows. Description
  31.                                | Copyright 1995 PsL
  32.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-01-95)
  33. BATSH220.ZIP    60759  11-10-95  BATSH.EXE (v2.20) 
  34.                                | -----------------
  35.                                | To run Windows commands from a file.
  36.                                | Line by Line.
  37.                                | Like BATCH (.BAT) files in DOS,
  38.                                | but with some windows specific commands,
  39.                                | and not all the DOS features.
  40.                                | For WINDOWS 3.1 & WINDOWS 95 (FreeWare)
  41.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-18-95)
  42. BC101.ZIP        7211  11-03-95  Background Carousel v1.01 changes your
  43.                                | desktop background automatically at regular
  44.                                | or random intervals. Needs LH 2.22 to
  45.                                | extract. Freeware.
  46. BMTSK112.ZIP   107164  10-15-95  BMTSKMAN v1.12 for Windows 3.1 - Shareware
  47.                                | Taskmanager with all functions needed for
  48.                                | real programming. Get BMTSKWAV for Soundfiles
  49.                                | (*.WAV) Martin Rieth eMail:
  50.                                | mrieth@namu25.gwdg.de
  51.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-14-95)
  52. BMTSKWAV.ZIP   158139  10-15-95  Here are the *.wav files used with
  53.                                | BMTSK112.ZIP for greater Fun when killing
  54.                                | misbehaving tasks! BMTSKMAN v1.12 for Windows
  55.                                | - Shareware Taskmanager with all functions
  56.                                | needed for real programming. Martin Rieth
  57.                                | eMail: mrieth@namu25.gwdg.de
  58.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-14-95)
  59. BTNMGR13.ZIP   387504  09-15-95  BUTTON MANAGER PRO v1.3b <ASP> A
  60.                                | multi-icon-bar Windows utility that provides
  61.                                | quick access to applications. P.Mgr groups
  62.                                | and icons are automatically reflected; each
  63.                                | group becomes a resizable button bar that can
  64.                                | separately be opened and placed anywhere on
  65.                                | the desktop. Program desc shown in title bar
  66.                                | as cursor glides over each icon. Designate
  67.                                | some or all to stay on top, min, max, or
  68.                                | cascade. Desktop set-up remembered.
  69.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-25-95)
  70. CDMINIBR.ZIP   215511  10-15-95  CD Minibar v1.0 Full featured utilities tiny
  71.                                | space. CD Player, Calendar, Disk Pie Graph,
  72.                                | Set Time, check path and directory, and
  73.                                | Windows Resource graphs. Easy to use. Install
  74.                                | and go. Fully customizable. Shareware $20
  75.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-06-95)
  76. CDPDOC01.ZIP     8795  10-17-95  text of Brian Livingston's article from Info
  77.                                | World on creating a dual boot (DOS/Win and
  78.                                | Win 95) that preserves all your earlier
  79.                                | settings in Win 95. He calls it "a win-win
  80.                                | situation."
  81. CFG3110E.ZIP   168075  10-29-95  (v1.0e) Configure! - A Control Panel
  82.                                | replacement and INI file editor which lets
  83.                                | you: 1. access Control Panel applets, 2.
  84.                                | modify system settings that Control Panel
  85.                                | doesn't and 3. edit the initialization (INI)
  86.                                | files that Windows uses to store system and
  87.                                | application settings. Shareware (US$15).
  88.                                | August Applications - PO Box 203/
  89.                                | Bloomington, IL 61702-0203/USA; AOL AugApp;
  90.                                | CIS 76501,1002;Internet augapp@aol.com
  91.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-26-95)
  92. CLCTBOOK.ZIP    61650  10-30-95  A fantastic collection about DOS and Windows.
  93.                                | Chock full of hints, tips and tactics for
  94.                                | both. DOS and Windows aren't dead yet by a
  95.                                | long shot. Get the help and information that
  96.                                | you can make good use of.
  97.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-30-95)
  98. CLIP180.ZIP     84051  09-26-95  Clipwatcher v1.80 - Clipwatch will trap as
  99.                                | many as 18 text clips sent to your clipboard
  100.                                | while you edit, then use the internal editor
  101.                                | to drag and drop from one to another or to
  102.                                | the printer. Has a very powerful editor. SW
  103.                                | $13.00 Requires vbrun300.dll.
  104.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-29-95)
  105. CLPMT312.ZIP   258117  09-26-95  ClipMate for Windows v3.12 <ASP> - Clipboard
  106.                                | Enhancement. ClipMate remembers all items
  107.                                | that you copy to the Windows Clipboard. Lets
  108.                                | you view, edit, combine, and print clipboard
  109.                                | data. Support for most clipboard formats,
  110.                                | including BMP, Picture, RTF, OLE, and More!
  111.                                | Exclusive PowerPaste(tm) provides rapid
  112.                                | pasting into applications. New features:
  113.                                | Auto-Save, Compatible with Windows 95.
  114.                                | Shareware $25 By Thornton Software Solutions
  115.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-24-95)
  116. COPILOT.ZIP     76083  11-02-95  CoPilot - is a small pop-up program launcher
  117.                                | for Windows. It can use Program Manager group
  118.                                | information, and can be set up as the Windows
  119.                                | shell. Requires VBRUN300. Description
  120.                                | Copyright 1995 PsL
  121.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-10-95)
  122. DECOR100.ZIP   184941  10-29-95  Wallpaper Random Selector v1.00: MS-Windows
  123.                                | util that allows you to select your favorite
  124.                                | wallpapers and have one randomly chosen each
  125.                                | time you start windows; it can also be set so
  126.                                | that particular wallpapers will be selected
  127.                                | on particular days; 09/30/95; Cheltenham Sea
  128.                                | Cadet Corps.
  129.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-30-95)
  130. DESKREF.ZIP    476230  09-15-95  WIN: Seagate Technical Support Desk
  131.                                | Reference- May 1995 edition. The Seagate
  132.                                | Technical Support Desk Reference system
  133.                                | allows instant lookup of Seagate's historical
  134.                                | product line of disc drive specs and jumper
  135.                                | settings,Seagate controller information,
  136.                                | technical terminology, industry phone numbers
  137.                                | and much more! The Seagate Technical Support
  138.                                | Desk Reference is built as a Windows Help
  139.                                | File with the .HLP extension. Windows
  140.                                | recognizes data files of this type and will
  141.                                | auto launch the WINHELP.EXE utility that
  142.                                | accompanies every Windows installation. Req:
  143.                                | 386+CPU, VGA, Windows 3.1+ (Date 5/18/95)
  144.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-18-95)
  145. DLGAUTO.ZIP     56253  11-02-95  Dialog Automation - monitors programs you are
  146.                                | running in Windows and allows you to define
  147.                                | specific actions to dialog boxes. This can be
  148.                                | used to automatically fill in repetitive
  149.                                | details, enter user names/passwords, and much
  150.                                | more. Description Copyright 1995 PsL
  151.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-30-95)
  152. DLLDEMO.ZIP    199903  11-05-95  VB/DLL - allows a VB program to function in
  153.                                | the same manner as a Windows DLL. A custom
  154.                                | control is used to "export" functions from
  155.                                | the library program which can be called by
  156.                                | other executing Windows programs with a DLL
  157.                                | function call. Description Copyright 1995 PsL
  158.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-17-95)
  159. DMENU22.ZIP     67396  10-22-95  --------------------------------------------
  160.                                | DeskMenu! 2.2 --  A low profile, text based
  161.                                | Program Manager for Windows
  162.                                | There is probably no other program you can
  163.                                | add to your system that will make better use
  164.                                | of it's screen and disk space than DeskMenu!
  165.                                | This easily configured program manager and
  166.                                | resource monitor speeds access to all your
  167.                                | applications.  DeskMenu! places a menubar on
  168.                                | your desktop and allows you to setup the
  169.                                | menu headings to reflect how you categorize
  170.                                | your applications. An optional InfoBar shows
  171.                                | time, date and up to six different system
  172.                                | resources.  DeskMenu! can be used in addition
  173.                                | to the Program Manager or it can replace it
  174.                                | as the Windows shell.  All of this
  175.                                | functionality in a good looking, easy to use 
  176.                                | package!
  177.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-14-95)
  178. DTW10.ZIP       54044  11-10-95  Drive Test for Windows (DTW) v1.0: DTW
  179.                                | performs integrity test suites on a specified
  180.                                | drive. It can also shell out and run
  181.                                | user-defined external diagnostic utilities
  182.                                | such as Norton's Disk Doctor for Windows for
  183.                                | additional tests. !Requires VBRUN300.DLL to
  184.                                | operate!
  185.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-12-95)
  186. DZ18_W3.ZIP    174965  10-15-95  DeZkTop for WIN31 - is a program launcher
  187.                                | with a variety of options, including pop-up
  188.                                | menu windows, "floating" desktop icons,
  189.                                | hotkey support, and much more. Description
  190.                                | Copyright 1995 PsL
  191.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-28-95)
  192. FILOG.ZIP       53124  08-04-95  Latest update to Microhelp's UNINSTALLER VER
  193.                                | 3 for correcting problem of 32 bit file
  194.                                | ACCESS being turned off in WFW3.11. Read the
  195.                                | contained files for more info. [D73].
  196.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-29-95)
  197. FLYINGC.ZIP     51234  09-09-95  FlyingColors 1.1 - Liven up your desktop by
  198.                                | creating your own color schemes. Windows
  199.                                | allows you to set the color of various
  200.                                | objects from a palette of 16 unchangeable
  201.                                | colors. FlyingColors lets you EASILY change
  202.                                | those "unchangeable" colors to whatever you
  203.                                | like. Color schemes may be saved or loaded at
  204.                                | any time. Includes built-in brightness
  205.                                | (dimmer), contrast, and tint controls.
  206.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-08-95)
  207. FOLDRS.ZIP      40259  10-15-95  Folders - allows you to collect your various
  208.                                | source, data and executable files into
  209.                                | folders on the desktop. Each folder can
  210.                                | contain data files or executables from
  211.                                | multiple directories. It allows you to start
  212.                                | applications by dragging executables onto
  213.                                | data files or data files onto
  214.                                | executables.Normal File Manager extensions
  215.                                | are supported. Description Copyright 1995 PsL
  216. FUNWPPR.ZIP     24889  09-28-95  FUN WALLPAPER FOR WINDOWS! These
  217.                                | hilarious.BMP graphic files make perfect
  218.                                | startup pictures for Windows! Two.BMP's
  219.                                | included!
  220.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-29-95)
  221. GO10_WPA.ZIP   123636  09-26-95  GO v1.0 Windows process automation. Run batch
  222.                                | of command lines or find already running
  223.                                | apps. Resize, place, hide windows. Send key
  224.                                | hits. Perform DDE poke, DDE execute. Place
  225.                                | text on clipboard. Play .wav files. Branch
  226.                                | off to other batches. Terminates self after
  227.                                | execution. On-line help. Great for
  228.                                | developers, power users, but quick to learn
  229.                                | and easy to use.
  230.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-21-95)
  231. HLPFIXER.ZIP    10876  10-15-95  Sometimes, the Help windows moves down and
  232.                                | right, so you can't see all the window and
  233.                                | you must move it or maximize it to see all
  234.                                | the window. Help Fixer quicky aligns the
  235.                                | windows to fit your screen width and height.
  236.                                | Another feature - You can change the
  237.                                | Jump-labels and PopUp-labels colors to any
  238.                                | clor you want from a list of seven.
  239.                                | --Requires VBRUN300.DLL--
  240. HOTCAL.ZIP     242859  10-15-95  HOT Calendar - is a monthly calendar that you
  241.                                | can set to any size for convenience on your
  242.                                | desktop. You can control all the fonts, their
  243.                                | styles, colors, and sizes. The calendar can
  244.                                | display dates only or a BMP graphic of your
  245.                                | choice. Requires VBRUN300.  Description
  246.                                | Copyright 1995 PsL
  247. ICOMIN15.ZIP   114554  09-30-95  IconMini version 1.5 - A windows desktop
  248.                                | utility that manages minimized icons. The
  249.                                | icons are compacted either vertically or
  250.                                | horizontally into a selected screen corner.
  251.                                | Additional functions of Windows Restart,
  252.                                | Windows Exit, Reboot PC and Program Run are
  253.                                | included. Requires Windows 3.1 and
  254.                                | VBRUN300.DLL. Fully functional shareware.
  255.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-11-95)
  256. ININSIDE.ZIP    29124  10-03-95  INInside Enhances Windows skills like Easier
  257.                                | Double-Click, Change DOS Shell prompt under
  258.                                | Windows, Change the colors at Windows Help
  259.                                | and restrict Program Manager skills (also for
  260.                                | network managers who want to protect the
  261.                                | desktop unchanged). 2 bonus features: *
  262.                                | Change the "Fastest Mine Sweepers - name an *
  263.                                | Change Windows Logo (it's getting boring, n
  264.                                | Very useful program, costs only 5$.
  265.                                | --Requires VBRUN300.DLL--
  266.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-20-95)
  267. INITWIN.ZIP    154413  09-12-95  Init for Windows - allows you to have total
  268.                                | control on Windows start-up sequence. It lets
  269.                                | you temporarily deactivate programs in your
  270.                                | StartUp group. Options include an auto-start
  271.                                | timeout after a user-specified interval,
  272.                                | choice of English/French language
  273.                                | instructions, and more. Requires VBRUN300.
  274.                                | Description Copyright 1995 PsL
  275.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-14-95)
  276. INTER47F.ZIP   166301  09-08-95  Winhelp-Related Files For Interupt List, 6
  277.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-13-95)
  278. JS_UK95.ZIP     80221  11-05-95  JumpStart - is a table-based program launcher
  279.                                | for Windows. It allows 2000 entries arranged
  280.                                | in 10 double pages of 200 items. Column
  281.                                | headings and background/foreground colors can
  282.                                | be customized. Req. VBRUN300. Description
  283.                                | Copyright 1995 PsL
  284.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-10-95)
  285. KSINK131.ZIP   327110  09-02-95  Kitchen sink 1.31 Kitchen Sink is a very
  286.                                | unique utility that provides many features
  287.                                | for the user. An extensive launch facility
  288.                                | that may be located anywhere on the desktop,
  289.                                | Maintains Calendar notes by date with search
  290.                                | facilities. Text editor, Wallpaper scheduler,
  291.                                | CD Player with volume control, PKUnzip Shell
  292.                                | for unzipping files,
  293.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-29-95)
  294. MANGO.ZIP       84995  09-29-95  MangoMenu - is a Task Manager replacement for
  295.                                | WIN31. When you double click on the desktop,
  296.                                | a popup menu is displayed under the mouses
  297.                                | pointer (or somewhere in the vicinity of the
  298.                                | window that has the focus), rather than the
  299.                                | Task Managers dialog box. Requires a 386 or
  300.                                | better. Description Copyright 1995 PsL
  301.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-04-95)
  302. MCDSK16C.ZIP    54708  08-25-95  McDesk v1.6C: MS-Windows pkg that provides a
  303.                                | configurable multi-desktop shell w/a powerful
  304.                                | task mgr & folders; drag'n'drop; multiple
  305.                                | desktops; password protection for desktop &
  306.                                | config mode; animated icons; cut/paste icons
  307.                                | across desktops; start/shutdown sequences;
  308.                                | 08/02/95; Mandar Chitre/ MoonComet Software
  309.                                | House.
  310.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-02-95)
  311. MFCFAQ12.ZIP    54997  11-02-95  Microsoft Foundation Classes FAQ.
  312.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-03-95)
  313. MG_X_IT.ZIP     49320  10-16-95  MG X-It v1.0 - Floating toolbar that provides
  314.                                | a quick and easy way to exit Windows, restart
  315.                                | Windows, and even reboot your computer! MG
  316.                                | X-It works, looks, and feels just like the
  317.                                | floating toolbars in Word and Excel, and is
  318.                                | designed in Windows' new 3D interface. Needs
  319.                                | VBRUN300.DLL.
  320. MM102.ZIP      258638  09-23-95  Macro Mouse v1.02: MS-Windows util that
  321.                                | provides a mouse interface to command,
  322.                                | launch, & switch between apps; assign a
  323.                                | series of mouse clicks as a "Mouse Code" that
  324.                                | triggers playback of a macro; record macros
  325.                                | to do anything that can be done from the
  326.                                | keyboard; undo; minimize/maximize/restore
  327.                                | windows, etc.; launch/switch between
  328.                                | applications; 08/03/95; Bob Palmer/The
  329.                                | Skamania Software Company.
  330.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-03-95)
  331. MUF17.ZIP       67578  11-11-95  Microsoft's Undocumented Features - Volume 1
  332.                                | Number 7: A List of Un-Documented Features
  333.                                | Found in MS DOS & Utilities.
  334.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-20-95)
  335. NOTED30.ZIP    172240  09-26-95  Noted! v3.0 - A superb utility for Windows
  336.                                | users. Noted! is a "post-it" style utility
  337.                                | that is extremely flexible - use as a diary,
  338.                                | alarms, schedular, reminder, etc. Password
  339.                                | your files too! Written by Steven Porter.
  340.                                | Distributed as shareware. Only $20/10
  341.                                | registration.
  342.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-30-95)
  343. NTOOLS10.ZIP   195067  09-15-95  NetTools is a dynamically configurable speed
  344.                                | bar that launches virtually any application
  345.                                | on yourr PC as long as it runs under windows.
  346.                                | Will launch DOS apps that will shell out of
  347.                                | Win. Reg version is user configurable in
  348.                                | title, color, size. Comes with its own 80
  349.                                | icon lib dll for DOS apps.
  350.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-30-95)
  351. PCBOCC.ZIP       8854  09-17-95  Information about the PCBoard Online
  352.                                | Communications Conference held September
  353.                                | 21-24, 1995. Both registration information
  354.                                | and class descriptions are included.
  355.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-22-95)
  356. PIC_200E.ZIP   181016  10-16-95  PIC - launches program and data files from
  357.                                | the desktop icon area. Other features include
  358.                                | program associations, drag and drop support,
  359.                                | history list, command line args, resource
  360.                                | monitor, automatic icon button creation, and
  361.                                | more. This version supports up to 10 groups
  362.                                | of 10 commands each.  Description Copyright
  363.                                | 1995 PsL
  364. PLAIN152.ZIP   268644  09-15-95  The Plain Ol' Button Bar v1.52 is a vertical
  365.                                | button bar with 3 extended button bars that
  366.                                | can hold up to a total of 54 user
  367.                                | applications. The main button bar can be
  368.                                | changed to almost any size below the maximum
  369.                                | (2 cols. x 15)and can be postioned in various
  370.                                | places. It can float on top of other windows.
  371.                                | Very easy to setup and use. Added drag and
  372.                                | drop from File Manager to Configuration,
  373.                                | right-click buttons for file path info.
  374.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-13-95)
  375. PMBAR.ZIP       13753  10-18-95  PMBar - allows you to create a customizable
  376.                                | buttonbar for launching your favorite
  377.                                | applications. It can fit in ProgMan's menu
  378.                                | bar or anywhere else you prefer. This
  379.                                | consumes very little system resources, and is
  380.                                | extremely easy to set up and use. Description
  381.                                | Copyright 1995 PsL
  382.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-24-95)
  383. PMLAUNCH.ZIP    96398  10-01-95  Pmlaunch is A Windows Util Taht Lets You Put
  384.                                | Application And File Object Icons on The
  385.                                | Desktop.
  386.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-26-95)
  387. POWERWIN.ZIP   133465  11-15-95  PowerWindows - adds a toolbar to Program
  388.                                | Manager which allows users to customize
  389.                                | desktop applications and colors. You simply
  390.                                | save your favorite configuration and attach a
  391.                                | personal ID to it. The program can then be
  392.                                | set up to ask for a user ID each time Windows
  393.                                | is started, and faithfully recreates your
  394.                                | customized desktop automatically. Description
  395.                                | Copyright 1995 PsL
  396.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-08-95)
  397. PRGBAR12.ZIP   115757  11-17-95  (1.2) ProgramBar - App launch/switch/close
  398.                                | ProgramBar brings much of the functionality
  399.                                | of the Win95 TaskBar to Win3.1. A button bar
  400.                                | at the bottom of the screen displays active
  401.                                | tasks for switching. All Program Manager
  402.                                | groups may be accessed. Control Panel items
  403.                                | may be run for configuration. Fast launch of
  404.                                | commonly used applications, documents and
  405.                                | help files. (C) Ian Jefferies, 1995.
  406.                                | Bookware. jeffers@teaching.physics.ox.ac.uk
  407.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-23-95)
  408. QEXIT25.ZIP    141573  09-16-95  QuikExit v2.5 - The quick way to exit or
  409.                                | restart Windows, or even exit Windows and
  410.                                | reboot your computer. QuikExit now gives you
  411.                                | quick access to a command line, Windows
  412.                                | Utilities and has user definable menu items.
  413.                                | Other new features include a desktop blanker
  414.                                | and sizable button that can show free system
  415.                                | resources and the time of day. Version 2.5
  416.                                | introduces support for Windows 95 and Windows
  417.                                | NT utilities on its Utility Menu.
  418.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-10-95)
  419. QUIKFLIP.ZIP   120075  10-16-95  QuikFlip! - displays all running applications
  420.                                | in a horizontal or vertical icon bar on the
  421.                                | Windows desktop. To switch tasks, you simply
  422.                                | click once on an available icon.  Description
  423.                                | Copyright 1995 PsL
  424. REMINDW.ZIP     55987  10-21-95  Remind Me! for Windows - reminds you of
  425.                                | upcoming important dates and events. You can
  426.                                | determine how many days notice you will
  427.                                | receive. A complete listing of events may be
  428.                                | printed. Requires VBRUN300.  Description
  429.                                | Copyright 1995 PsL
  430. RESDU252.ZIP   304984  09-16-95  ResDuet+ v2.52 is a small, floating panel
  431.                                | that shows time, system resources and has
  432.                                | Windows exit and restart buttons. ResDuet+
  433.                                | also opens The File Machine, a mini file
  434.                                | manager with several file utilities (inc. a
  435.                                | fast file search) and user configurable
  436.                                | application buttons for up to 20 programs,
  437.                                | now has drag and drop. ResDuet+ has sound
  438.                                | with most commands.
  439.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-13-95)
  440. RUN002C.ZIP     33637  10-27-95  RUN.EXE       - offers a pick-list of
  441.                                | programs RUN2.EXE      - same as above, but
  442.                                | different! NEWPAPER.EXE  - changes Windows
  443.                                | wallpaper read the comments in ALAN.INI for
  444.                                | more details all programs (c) Alan Styles
  445.                                | 1995: c/o 1 Ashley Gdns Grays Essex UK
  446.                                | RM16 2LR  Please pass these programs around
  447.                                | to anyone who uses Microsoft Windows.
  448. SETIN16B.ZIP     9584  08-17-95  SETINI v1.6B: automated MS-Windows .INI file
  449.                                | configurer w/TP source; 07/08/95; Peter
  450.                                | Summers.
  451.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-08-95)
  452. SNAPPER.ZIP     92226  10-18-95  Snapper - automatically arranges open windows
  453.                                | on your desktop to make the best use of
  454.                                | available space. This is a vast improvement
  455.                                | over the "tile" feature of Program Manager,
  456.                                | because it automatically adjusts window size
  457.                                | and position on existing layout proportions
  458.                                | or uses parameters you specify. This is a
  459.                                | great way to tidy up your desktop.
  460.                                | Description Copyright 1995 PsL
  461.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-08-95)
  462. SPEEDBAR.ZIP   389576  10-11-95  Mobis SpeedBar - provides the functionality
  463.                                | of Windows95's TaskBar application. Features
  464.                                | include English and German language support,
  465.                                | the ability to read existing ProgMan groups,
  466.                                | customized symbols, the ability to display
  467.                                | your own logo, and more. Description
  468.                                | Copyright 1995 PsL
  469.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-03-95)
  470. STAYUP12.ZIP    16923  08-16-95  Stay-Up 1.2 for Windows allows you to mark
  471.                                | certain applications to stay on top of
  472.                                | whatever other programs are running. This
  473.                                | prevents them from getting lost and keeps
  474.                                | them visible and easily accessable.
  475.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-23-95)
  476. STIL19Q3.ZIP   189603  09-20-95  Stiletto v1.9q3.  Tiny 3.1x bar
  477.                                | launcher/utility featuring: small footprint
  478.                                | (fits in title bar); any mouse button starts
  479.                                | a command; multiple bars; direct access to
  480.                                | prog mgr/shell commands; multiple launch
  481.                                | menus/submenus; task switch, close, on top;
  482.                                | time/date, resource usage, timers; over 50
  483.                                | built-in commands; alarms; sound, paper
  484.                                | control.  V1.9q3 adds Win95 and OS/2 look
  485.                                | menus, individual button colour.
  486. TASKMENU.ZIP    98349  10-16-95  TaskMenu.  Copyright ⌐ 1994 Gabriel Shapiro.
  487.                                | All Rights Reserved. Version 1.1  TaskMenu is
  488.                                | an alternative to the Windows Task List.
  489.                                | Once it is running, clicking anywhere on the
  490.                                | desktop will bring up a menu of currently
  491.                                | running tasks, and an "Arrange Icons" item.
  492. TC32101B.ZIP   354595  11-18-95  TCMD/32 1.01 patch file, updates TCMD/32 1.01
  493.                                | rev A to TCMD/32 1.01 rev B. ONLY USEFUL if
  494.                                | you already have TCMD/32 1.01 rev A, not
  495.                                | needed by new users. To check your current
  496.                                | TCMD/32 version use VER /R. Also requires
  497.                                | patch program (see 4DPATCH.ZIP).
  498.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-17-95)
  499. TCMD101.ZIP    498208  09-18-95  Take Command 1.01 <ASP> - JP Software's
  500.                                | enhanced command processor for MS Windows
  501.                                | 3.1+, Windows for Workgroups, and WIN-OS/2.
  502.                                | Command enhancements, over 50 new commands,
  503.                                | 4DOS compatible, dozens of new Windows-
  504.                                | related features. Shareware, $69 full
  505.                                | registration. 08-22-95 release A.
  506.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-22-95)
  507. TCMD101B.ZIP   338463  11-18-95  TCMD/16 1.01 patch file, updates TCMD/16 1.01
  508.                                | rev A to TCMD/16 1.01 rev B. ONLY USEFUL if
  509.                                | you already have TCMD/16 1.01 rev A, not
  510.                                | needed by new users. To check your current
  511.                                | TCMD/16 version use VER /R. Also requires
  512.                                | patch program (see 4DPATCH.ZIP).
  513.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-17-95)
  514. TIMAST11.ZIP   223271  10-01-95  TimeMaster v1.1 - Displays time, date, and
  515.                                | system resources (toggle on/off) in a tiny,
  516.                                | draggable status bar. Right-click pop-up menu
  517.                                | reveals full Calendar, Phone Number list and
  518.                                | dialer, disk info panel, and file
  519.                                | finder/launcher - all hidden until needed.
  520.                                | For Windows.
  521.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-18-95)
  523.                                | MICROSOFT.
  524.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-01-95)
  525. TSKSHOOT.ZIP    41291  09-30-95  TaskShooter replaces the MS-Windows ALT-TAB
  526.                                | task switcher with a versatile, easy-to-use
  527.                                | utility that shows all of your tasks (icons,
  528.                                | window titles, and all) at once, and allows
  529.                                | you to select one using either the keyboard
  530.                                | or a single mouse click.
  531.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-04-95)
  532. T_C407.ZIP     434541  09-06-95  TIME AND CHAOS v4.07 The Award Winning
  533.                                | Windows PIM. Appointments, Calendar, ToDo's
  534.                                | and Phonebook all in one screen. Standard or
  535.                                | Custom reporting of your data. Fully Network
  536.                                | capable. Supports Drag & Drop. Powerful
  537.                                | features like Categories & Search. Multiple
  538.                                | views of your appointments. Fully TAPI
  539.                                | compliant. Easy mergeing to the latest
  540.                                | Windows word processors. Requires
  541.                                | VBRUN300.DLL. 21 Day Nag Free Evaluation.
  542.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-01-95)
  543. V14N18.ZIP     155748  11-04-95  PC Mag v14n18: RecEdit lets you edit macro
  544.                                | files created by the MS-Windows Recorder
  545.                                | accessory, eliminating the need to rerecord a
  546.                                | macro if you make a mistake while recording
  547.                                | or wish to change a complex existing macro
  548.                                | -it lets you cut/paste events from one macro
  549.                                | to another, combine .REC files, & even create
  550.                                | your own .REC files from scratch; PARAMS/
  551.                                | CHGCAP/HTMTAB; 09/24/95.
  552.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-24-95)
  553. W4S31L.ZIP     115846  10-21-95  Whiskers - is a powerful utility that lets
  554.                                | you program all 270+ standard Windows actions
  555.                                | to your mouse buttons. This avoids the
  556.                                | nuisance of either having to reach for the
  557.                                | keyboard or move the mouse pointer to the
  558.                                | "Ok" box to click the left button.  NOTE: use
  559.                                | the -d option when unzipping.  Description
  560.                                | Copyright 1995 PsL
  561. WALLIT.ZIP     209053  10-18-95  Wall It! Wallpaper Manager
  562.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-01-94)
  563. WALLP901.ZIP    18612  10-01-95  Wallpaper Changer For Windows-configurable.
  564.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-14-95)
  565. WAY22.ZIP      249622  09-24-95  Wayfarer windows shell - looks like Windows
  566.                                | 95, many configuration options.
  567.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-14-95)
  568. WC1202.ZIP      33147  10-04-95  FASTTIPS: BINDER Q&A FROM MS
  569.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-01-95)
  570. WC1203.ZIP      33897  10-04-95  FASTTIP: SETUP Q&A FROM MS
  571.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-01-95)
  572. WC1205.ZIP      25625  10-04-95  FASTTIPS: "SHORTCUT BAR Q&A
  573.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-01-95)
  574. WC1206.ZIP      34676  10-04-95  FASTTIPS: SHARING INFORMATION Q&A FROM MS
  575.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-01-95)
  576. WE1208.ZIP      16947  10-04-95  FASTTIPS: BASIC USE Q&A FROM MS
  577.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-01-95)
  578. WE1210.ZIP      16457  10-04-95  FASTTIPS: SHARED DOCUMENTS Q&A FROM MS
  579.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-01-95)
  580. WIAEXE.ZIP       7224  10-21-95  WiA - automatically shows information about
  581.                                | the current active and focus window. this is
  582.                                | a handy debugging tool. Description Copyright
  583.                                | 1995 PsL. For Windows!
  584.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-09-95)
  585. WIN95EXP.ZIP    11655  09-20-95  One person's experience installing/using win.
  586.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-10-95)
  587. WIN95_3X.ZIP   128481  10-01-95  A new, friendly MS-Windows 95-like interface
  588.                                | on the Windows 3.1, 3.11, or WFWG platform
  589.                                | you have today; 08/29/95; Jodahaca Systems
  590.                                | Int'l.
  591.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-29-95)
  592. WINBAG14.ZIP   310872  09-13-95  WinBag v 1.2 Useful windows tools grouped
  593.                                | into one application. Includes a Calendar,
  594.                                | CPU speedometer, Disk Pie graphs, Windows
  595.                                | Resource graphs, and a dice game. Easy to
  596.                                | use. Install and go. Fully customizable.
  597.                                | Shareware $19
  598.                                | (Newest File Date: 06-16-95)
  599. WINBOOK.ZIP     30248  11-01-95  This is a handy trainer and referen- ce
  600.                                | manual for all of the basics of Windows.
  601.                                | Includes many special tips and tactics from
  602.                                | the pros to make you a Windows power user.
  603.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-30-95)
  604. WINBR255.ZIP   186558  11-12-95  Windows Task Bar 2.55 Windows Bar includes a
  605.                                | task bar and drag and drop
  606.                                | calculator/calendar Extended memory function
  607.                                | for drag and drop operation during
  608.                                | calculations, stay on top clock with date and
  609.                                | time, operations trace and save ability.
  610.                                | requires vbrun300.dll
  611.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-12-95)
  612. WINX12.ZIP      98948  10-14-95  WINX  1.2 is designed to let you run  several
  613.                                | programs  from one icon or shortcut.  Options
  614.                                | include  waiting  for a  command  to  finish,
  615.                                | starting  a  program  hidden,  minimized,  or
  616.                                | maximized.  WINX  will  terminate   when   it
  617.                                | finishes  all the commands. Perfect  for  the
  618.                                | startup  group  or  for any application  that
  619.                                | requires  several  programs  or  commands  to
  620.                                | complete  a  task.   WINX  is  FREEWARE   for
  621.                                | personal use only.
  622. WINXIT.ZIP      34891  09-13-95  @84@Speed Xit Windows Exiting Program @12@
  623.                                | Real Nice!! >> Speed Xit 2.1e Windows fast
  624.                                | exit << Speed Xit is a program that allows
  625.                                | you not only to exit quickly from Windows,
  626.                                | but also allows you to restart Windows, and
  627.                                | even reboot your system right from Windows!
  628.                                | (Newest File Date: 04-09-95)
  629. WLM3_3.ZIP      44837  08-29-95  Windows Program Manager Replacement Which
  630.                                | Provides Software Metering for Any LAN.
  631.                                | Supports all of Program Manager's Features
  632.                                | But Through Drop Down Menus. Flexible
  633.                                | Configuration. Freeware!
  634.                                | (Newest File Date: 05-26-95)
  635. WRAP11.ZIP     110363  11-04-95  WrapUp - allows you to create a "ShutDown"
  636.                                | group that will execute applications right
  637.                                | before you exit Windows. This could be used
  638.                                | to backup important files, log out of your
  639.                                | network, etc. Description Copyright 1995 PsL
  640.                                | (Newest File Date: 07-27-95)
  641. WSTBAR26.ZIP   140928  09-25-95  WSTBar 2.6 is a MS Windows application that
  642.                                | displays a toolbar (TOPMOST) that holds 15
  643.                                | command buttons for INTERNET applications.
  644.                                | The toolbar placement, applications, icons,
  645.                                | number of buttons, and help tips are
  646.                                | user-defined. Shareware (US$10 - Check/Money
  647.                                | Order) Joel A. Gerber, jdzg@infinet.com
  648.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-20-95)
  649. WTRMSV1E.ZIP     8135  09-30-95  Watermelonman in Savanna(WTRMSV.LZH) is data
  650.                                | for Savanna(SV9410.LZH). FREE SOFTWARE
  651.                                | International support:h_ozawa@bekkoame.or.jp
  652.                                | Japanese support:jbc03637@niftyserve.or.jp
  653.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-01-95)
  654. WW1193.ZIP      17467  10-05-95  THE MICROSOFT NETWORK QUESTIONS & ANSWERS
  655.                                | (Newest File Date: 09-01-95)
  656. ZOO103.ZIP     364913  09-05-95  The Zoo 1.01 Mini Shell. A Place to store
  657.                                | your Computer Critters. Highly customizable
  658.                                | Program Launching Tool. Based on the popular
  659.                                | tabbed window metaphor. Import Existing
  660.                                | Windows Program Manager Groups. Supports Drag
  661.                                | & Drop from File Manager.
  662.                                | (Newest File Date: 08-06-95)